Cannabis has been used medicinally for centuries, but it’s only recently through widespread usage, cannabis research and changes in the law that we’ve understood more about how it can help patients. There are still a lot of misconceptions about cannabis and its use as medicine. With a lack of randomised controlled trials, many clinicians are concerned about the weight of evidence and the safety of the treatment.
Despite its long history, there is still much to be learned about the medical benefits and potential risks of this remarkable plant. With any new treatment, it is crucial that clinicians are confident about dosing, interactions with other drugs, tolerability and prescribing information – able to counter impressive claims with evidence-based knowledge.
That’s why the Society has developed a range of medical education for clinical colleagues across the UK to help them better understand all aspects of medical cannabis use. From live, interactive sessions with Professor Mike Barnes to a comprehensive, self-paced online certification course, our training options cater to a wide range of learning needs and schedules. Both programmes are designed to deliver evidence-based insights, practical skills, and the confidence required to excel in your role and support patients effectively.