Are you looking for expert advice...

Our guidance and publications – created by our committee members – include information about who can prescribe medical cannabis, prescribing and prescriptions, conditions, funding and more.

If you’re interested prescribing medical cannabis or want to understand the regulations and process, start here.

We hope to encourage clinicians to find out more about medical cannabis treatments, reach out to clinicians interested in becoming a medical cannabis prescriber and provide guidance to make practitioners more comfortable in discussing cannabis with their patients.

Good Practice Guide for prescribers of CBPMs

Updated June 2024, published May 2024

The overarching aim of this brief guide to good practice is to help prescribers and patients access this valuable medicine. These guidelines are specifically designed for clinics that primarily prescribe cannabis, though the foundational principles should be relevant across clinics with a broader medical focus. Variations in application may occur, but the standards of practice are intended to be universally applicable.

The MCCS hopes that this document on good practices will be embraced by all prescribers and clinics, ensuring that patients are provided with this medicine in a manner that is both safe and supportive.

Such an approach benefits not only the patients but also enhances the overall integrity of the industry. The June 2024, V1.3 update includes information on product names from the MHRA.


Member’s Only: FAQs for prescribers

June 2024

This Member’s Only guide is your go-to resource for understanding the ins and outs of prescribing medical cannabis in the UK. It covers everything from detailed information on licensed and unlicensed cannabis-based medicines to regulatory guidelines and practical templates for clinical use.

Designed to support your practice, this publication answers common questions and offers peer-reviewed content that’s essential for informed decision-making. Remember, this resource is shaped by your experience and insights as well—your contributions help enhance its value and relevance.

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Member’s Only: Prescribing Guidelines

Update due 2025

When it comes to prescribing medical cannabis for the first time, many clinicians have questions about the best approach. The basic principle is to start low and go slow. This Member’s Only guide, along with expert training, will support you to prescribe safely.

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How to prescribe medical cannabis in the UK

*Updated 2025*

Many clinicians contact the Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society looking for clarity about what is and is not permitted when it comes to prescribing this treatment option for patients.

The information which follows guides you through the steps required to satisfy these requirements, with further information about the practical steps you should take to ensure you are confident, compliant and well informed.


Commentary and critique on the BNPA’s Guidance on the use of cannabis-based products for medicinal use in children and young people with epilepsy (Oct 2021)

The BPNA recently produced new guidance on the prescription of cannabis medicines for children with epilepsy. Unfortunately, the Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society and Drug Science fundamentally disagree with this guidance. So, our expert clinicians have produced a critique to provide commentary, evidence and further crucial information.


BPNA commentary
How to talk to patients about medical cannabis

*Updated May 2023*

According to research carried out by the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis in 2019, 1.4m people in the UK have used cannabis for medical reasons and over 11% of UK adults (6 million people) have tried a CBD product.

So, how should you be talking to your patients about medical cannabis?

In this new guide for UK clinicians, our expert committee and patients advise.


A clinician’s guide to CBD

*Updated 2021*

This guide provides an overview of CBD for clinicians, including its modes of action and therapeutic effects, pharmacodynamics and dosing.

We also summarise the current legal status of CBD in the UK.

We hope the information contained in this publication will help doctors understand CBD and help guide their patients to the safest and most effective and evidence-based products available.


CBD: Recommendations for Good Practice

*Published May 2022*

The Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society has considered the criteria that a medical practitioner would want to see in a good quality CBD product. 

The issue for CBD products is that there have been instances where products breach the applicable regulatory standards, either in label claims, quality, or the Misuse of Drugs Regulations. As such, we set out relevant criteria we see as necessary for products to make the grade.

This guide should be used in conjunction with The Clinicians Guide to CBD.


Information flyer – about the Society

Many patients have requested information from us that they can share with their own doctor or specialist about the support available for medical cannabis prescribing.

Please download the flyer (PDF) below to share online or print.


Publication Archive

Here, you’ll find links to historic documents produced by the Society for information.
Recommendations and Guidance on Medical Cannabis under Prescription

First published in 2019, the Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society worked with the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Medical Cannabis under Prescription to produce its guidance for medical cannabis.

Newly updated for 2021, Recommendations and Guidance on Medical Cannabis under Prescription (3rd edition) by The Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society sets out the facts about medical cannabis treatments – history, evidence and prescribing information.


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